“My son he is 5 years 6 months old. He has problem in academics and he forgot his stuff at school”
I am sorry to hear you are worried about your son.
You mention that he forgot his stuff at school. I am not sure if this happened only once or if it is a regular occurrence. It is very common for children (especially as young as your son) to forget things. One thing that you can do is to create a timetable at home. Together, you can create one that is very ‘cool’ and stick on his bedroom wall. In this timetable, you can include everything he needs to do in the morning before going to school (e.g., brush his teeth, get his packed lunch, get his PE kit…) and you can include also what he needs to take home after school (e.g., musical instrument, football boots…). Look at it together every day so that he is clear on what he needs and bit by bit that routine will stick!
Regarding his academic problems, I would encourage you to have a meeting with his teacher to understand what is going on. Is he paying attention in class?; Is he doing his homework?; Is he happy at school?; Does he have friends?; Does he struggle to learn the content?; Are there any concerns that he might be dyslexic, dyspraxic…? Once you have a better idea of what is going on, you can devise a support plan for him.
Finally, make sure that he is getting enough sleep and that he has a consistent routine at home.
I hope this helps. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you need further support.