Category: For parents

Navigating Parental Alienation 

Published : Jan 22, 2025
By Dr. Ana Aznar

Over the last few years, parental alienation has been discussed in the media quite a lot. But do you know what parental alienation really means? Do you know that there is huge controversy amongst professionals because they don’t even agree if parental alienation is really a thing? Keep reading to find out what’s all about.  

What Is Parental Alienation? 

little girl with paper family in hands. concept of divorce, custody and child abuse

Parental alienation (1) is a mental condition in which a child allies strongly with one parent (the alienating or favoured parent) and refuses to have a relationship with the other parent (the alienated or target parent). The alienated parent is rejected without any justifiable reason, such as physical or emotional abuse, or neglect.  

The idea of parental alienation was first quoted by Dr Richard Gardner in 1992. 

The most common cause (2) is that the child is manipulated by the other parent. As a result, the child ends up disliking or being afraid of the alienated parent. Parental alienation usually happens when parents are going through a very conflictive separation or divorce. However, it can also happen in intact families. Especially, if the couple is going through a rough patch or have a very difficult relationship.  

The result of parental alienation is the breakdown of the relationship between the targeted parent and the child.  

Alienation may be done by mothers and fathers (3)

A Word of Caution 

Before we dive into the research on parental alienation, let me tell you that this is a highly controversial topic. Even though researchers have been examining it for the past 30 years, some of them do not even agree that parental alienation is a thing.  

On one hand, there are researchers who argue that parental alienation is based on junk science (4) and it is only a justified dislike for a parent, similar to estrangement. According to them, parental alienation is ambiguous, and impossible to diagnose.  These researchers also argue that parental alienation is a legal strategy used by abusive parents to get custody of their children (5).  

In contrast, other researchers (6) believe that there is enough evidence to support the concept of parental alienation. They believe that parental alienation is a thing.  

Let’s explore what the research says, while keeping in mind this word of caution. 

Signs of Parental Alienation in Parents 

The alienating parent may… 

  • Criticize and humiliate the target parent in front of the child.  
  • Convince family members and friends that the target parent does not deserve their love and should not be in touch with the children 
  • Impede or make it very difficult for the child to spend time with the target parent  
  • Do campaigns of denigration against the other parent 
  • Disapprove of the child showing affection towards the target parent 

Signs of Parental Alienation in Children 

Divorce, parents conflict and child with teddy bear in home for relationship problem, upset and issue. Family, house and kid hug toy with anxiety for mother and father fighting, argument and crisis

Children who are victims of alienation may… 

  • Criticize the alienated parent strongly and with no cause 
  • Show unconditional support for the favoured parent. Everything the favoured parent does is right and everything the alienated parent does is wrong 
  • Experience hatred or fear towards the alienated parent 
  • Not care about the feelings of the target parent  

It is important to keep in mind that having negative feelings towards a parent is not always evidence of parental alienation.  

What Are the Consequences of Parental Alienation? 

Some mental health professionals use the term parental alienation syndrome (PAS) to describe the effects on parents and children. Other professionals have stopped using the term ‘PAS’ and instead they refer to ‘parental alienation’, ‘alienation’, ‘implacable hostility’ and ‘child resistance or refusal’. These terms are also questioned by some practitioners and researchers because they claim there is no scientific evidence to support them.   

Children may experience short-term and long-term effects, such as depressive symptoms, lower quality of life, and difficulties communicating with the target parent (7). They may also find school difficult, have problems sleeping, and develop low self-esteem (8).  

The target parent (9) may experience depression, anxiety, frustration, feelings of loss, fear, and helplessness. However, note that there is not much research examining the experiences of alienated parents. 

Is PAS a Diagnosable Mental Disorder? 

PAS is not recognized as a diagnosable mental disorder. It is not included in the two major mental health diagnostic systems that practitioners use around the world. These are the DSM-V of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the ICD-11 of the World Health Organization (WHO).  

It is important to note that the WHO and the APA consider that parental alienation can be considered a ‘Caregiver-Child Relationship Problem’. This category is included in both diagnostic manuals, but it is not recognized as a mental health disorder. The WHO considers that parental alienation is relevant in some judicial contexts, but they argue that there is a lack of evidence to consider it a mental syndrome. 

The fact that PAS is not considered a mental disorder does not mean that it will never be. Diagnostic systems, like the DSM-V and the ICD-11, are not set in stone. They have included disorders that have later been eliminated (e.g., homosexuality) and added others that were not included before (e.g., Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, DMDD).  

What Is the Difference Between Parental Alienation and Estrangement? 

Family relations concept image - mother meets her little son

Estrangement involves a child rejecting a parent with a reasonable justification, such as abuse or neglect (10). Alienation involves rejecting a parent with no clear reason. 

Estrangement is also not considered a diagnosable mental disorder by the DSM-V or the ICD-11.  

Is Parental Alienation Abuse? 

No. Domestic abuse is a crime whereas parental alienation is not.  

Why Is It Important Whether Parental Alienation Syndrome Is Really a Thing? 

Whether PAS is really a thing or not is important because it could have huge implications in child custody decisions, abuse cases, and children’s welfare.  

If PAS was to be recognized as a mental disorder, children’s testimonies would be evaluated with scepticism, particularly in cases of abuse or neglect. Judges might question whether children’s statements are their own or influenced by the alienating parent.  

Family courts would have to rely more on expert witnesses, such as psychologists, to determine if the child really has PAS or not.  


As we have seen, parental alienation is a really complex issue. If you are going through a difficult patch with your partner or your children and you want to discuss it, do not hesitate to get in touch with me.  



Dr Ana Aznar  


(1) Bernet, W. (2023). Recurrent misinformation regarding parental alienation theory. The American Journal of Family Therapy51(4), 334-355. 

(2) Bernet, W. (2020). Parental alienation and misinformation proliferation. Family Court Review58(2), 293-307. 

(3) Lowenstein, L. F. (2013). Is the Concept of Parental Alienation a Meaningful One? Journal of Divorce & Remarriage54(8), 658–667. 

(4) Joyanna Silberg & Stephanie Dallam (2019) Abusers gaining custody in family courts: A case series of over turned decisions, Journal of Child Custody, 16:2, 140-169, DOI: 10.1080/15379418.2019.1613204 

(5) Meier, Joan S. and Dickson, Sean and O’Sullivan, Chris and Rosen, Leora and Hayes, Jeffrey, United States Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse Allegations: What do the Data Show? (January 01, 2020). GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 2019-56, GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2019-56, Available at SSRN: or 

(6) Baker, A.J.L. (2018). Reliability and validity of the four-factor model of parental alienation. Journal of Family Therapy, 42, (1), 100-118. 

(7) Tavares, A., Crespo, C. & Ribeiro, M.T. What Does it Mean to be a Targeted Parent? Parents’ Experiences in the Context of Parental Alienation. J Child Fam Stud 30, 1370–1380 (2021). 

(8) Harman, J. J., Kruk, E., & Hines, D. A. (2018). Parental alienating behaviors: An unacknowledged form of family violence. Psychological Bulletin, 144(12), 1275–1299. 

(9) Baker, A., & Andre, K. (2008). Working with alienated children and their targeted parents. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 11, (2), 10-.  

(10) Garber, B. D. (2011). Parental alienation and the dynamics of the enmeshed parent–child dyad: Adultification, parentification, and infantilization. Family Court Review49(2), 322-335. 

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2025-02-07 21:26:19
Is there a printable version of the article? I am a school based mental health professional and would like to share it with parents.
2025-02-03 10:52:04
This is such a great writeup. I think too often we get caught in a rutt of trying to categorise everything. Our daily lives are kind of dictated by categories and labels, certainly in a digital world.

I'd imagine this is quite deteremental for a childs development in the long run as nothing stays the same forever, and we shouldn't really be making these categorisations, especially towards our children.

Just live life, sometimes you'll have to be the parent that's the shoulder to cry on. The week after you may have to raise your voice a little when everyone is in a rush and you're trying to get your children's shoes on.

Just balance it all out, don't be too self critical and pick up on what your child wants and needs.

Again, great writeup!
Dr. Ana Aznar
2024-09-13 12:51:46
Dear Robert,
Thank you so much for your comment. I totally get what you mean. It is always difficult to have kids living with you, wanting to support them and their parents but at the same time not wanting to step in anyone's toes. If there's anything we can do to support you and your family, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Robert Eisenbart
2024-09-10 00:43:07
Great Article! I'm a retired FNP. Years ago I taught a STEP program to parents via family court cases. I now have a daughter and her man disciplining three children 4, 8, and 10. The 10 year old has ADHD and my personal diagnosis is she's also Oppositional/Defiant. I believe the OD came from harsh discipline. All they seem to do is punish and threaten physical punishment. They say positive reinforcement didn't work however they tried it for about 2 months and then went back to punishment. I can't reason with them as "they are the parents"!! is all I hear. They all live with me and have since the oldest was about 2. Sadly I can see the other 2 developing issues like anxiety and aggression as well. Trying to show them another side of adult supervision when I have them but frustrating.
Dr. Ana Aznar
2024-09-02 20:48:07
Really glad you found it useful! Thank you for being here and for your comment.

2024-08-30 11:17:25
I doubt it.
Dr. Ana Aznar
2024-05-17 09:55:58
Hi Donna,
sO great to have you here! Totally agree that Zara is great! What other topics would you like us to discuss?
2024-05-17 09:49:36
Love Zara’s ways of teaching for both parents & kids! Also so helpful. We want more!! (Please!) :D
Ana Aznar
2024-05-08 07:24:31
We are glad you found the content useful! Many thanks for being here.
2024-04-09 18:20:19
Great article!!!
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