Adolescencia Infancia

Children lying

Expert: Dr Lindsay Malloy
Masterclass structure: 11 lessons (42:57 minutes)

Sobre esta clase

All children lie. Yes, even your very own darling one. In this masterclass, Dr Lindsay Malloy explains why children lie, types of lies, and what to do when you catch your child lying. This masterclass is useful to… basically everyone!


About the expert

Dr Lindsay Malloy received her PhD in psychology and social behaviour from the University of California, Irvine. She completed postdoctoral training in Applied Developmental Psychology at the University of Cambridge (UK). Her research examines children’s and adolescents’ disclosure of negative or traumatic experiences, children’s memory and narratives, and investigative and interrogation techniques. Her research has been published widely and has been supported by grants from the U.S National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She received the Salem Shah Award for Early Career Excellence in Psychology and Law from the American Psychology-Law Society.


Sobre el experto

Dr Lindsay Malloy received her PhD in psychology and social behaviour from the University of California, Irvine. She completed postdoctoral training in Applied Developmental Psychology at the University of Cambridge (UK). Her research examines children’s and adolescents’ disclosure of negative or traumatic experiences, children’s memory and narratives, and investigative and interrogation techniques. Her research has been published widely and has been supported by grants from the U.S National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She received the Salem Shah Award for Early Career Excellence in Psychology and Law from the American Psychology-Law Society.

Lecciones de esta clase

11 Lessons (42:57min)
0. Lección - Aim of this masterclass 0:06
1. Lección - Meet your expert 2:18
2. Lección - Should I worry if my child lies? 1:11
3. Lección - How do children tell lies? 8:31
4. Lección - Children's lies: Growing up 3:34
5. Lección - Why do children lie? 3:06
6. Lección - When does lying become a problem? 1:01
7. Lección - How do children learn to lie? 4:23
8. Lección - What not to do when you catch your child lying 4:35
9. Lección - What to do when you catch your child lying 12:13
10. Lección - Take home message 1:59

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