Masterclasses sobre Crianza

Masterclasses sobre crianza y desarrollo infantil

Nuestras masterclasses ofrecidas por los mejores académicos y expertos en sus campos ofrecen información fiable y experta sobre la crianza de los hijos.

Cinco categorías: Embarazo, Infancia, Niñez, Adolescencia, Niños neurodivergentes, y Zona de Padres.

Ejemplos de temas del curso:


Conflicto entre padres y adolescentes, manejo de las pantallas, ansiedad, consumo de sustancias, toma de riesgos, motivación.


Rabietas, juego, disciplina, rivalidad entre hermanos, bullying, amistades, resiliencia.


Alimentación, establecimiento de una rutina, llanto, apego, cuidado de bebés prematuros, cuidado de más de un bebé, primeros auxilios.

Zona de padres

Cuidarse, la importancia de los padres, nuevas formas de familia, ¿Cuánto importan realmente los padres?, ¿Paternidad y culpa van siempre juntas?, Estilos de crianza.

El embarazo

Etapas, trabajo de parto, parto, problemas comunes, embarazos de alto riesgo, parto múltiple, embarazos

Niños neurodivergentes

Cómo criar a niños neurodivergentes, diagnóstico, trato con especialistas, Autismo, TDAH, TDA, tics, diferencias de aprendizaje.
Las masterclasses sobre parenting duran alrededor de 30 minutos. Cada masterclass se divide en lecciones.
Puedes elegir las lecciones que quieres ver.

Cada mes añadimos nuevas masterclasses sobre parenting.

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Las masterclasses incluyen subtítulos

Experta: Dee BellEstructura de la masterclass: 12 lecciones ( 1 hora y 16 minutos) (...)
Expert: Lucy JohnsMasterclass structure: 8 lessons (37:14 minutes) (...)
There is an educational app for almost anything. But are they really educational? Can young kids learn from a screen? (...)
Dr Ayten Bilgin explains the good and the bad of sleep training and all the different techniques that you can use. This parent is of interest to parents of young babies and soon-to-be parents. (...)
All new parents talk about how much or how well their baby is sleeping. There is the assumption that there is a 'normal' or 'good' sleep for babies and if your baby does not sleep that way, you must be doing wrong or there is something wrong with your baby. (...)
Growing up bilingual can be both a privilege and a challenge. Dr Virginia Lam provides answers and many more on the topic of growing up bilingual. (...)
Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Steiner... In this masterclass, our expert explains the ins and outs of the most popular teaching methods so you can make an informed decision. (...)
Professor Helen Ball explains how to make sure that your baby is safe while sleeping with the aim of avoiding accidents and reducing the chances of experiencing Sudden Death Infant Syndrome (SIDS) (...)
When to start brushing your baby's teeth? Does your child grind his teeth? Or when should you schedule your child's first visit to the dentist? Dr Sarah Good answers these and any questions you may have about how to take care of your child's teeth in this masterclass. This masterclass is of interest to... well, everyone! (...)
In this masterclass, Fiona MacLeod, founder and head of Sheen Montessori Nursery, discusses what to look for when choosing nursery for your child. This masterclass is of interest to parents and caregivers who are planning on sending their children to daycare or nursery. (...)
Dr Addyman explores why babies laugh is important and the things that make them happy. This masterclass is useful for all parents of babies because who does not love a happy baby? (...)

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