About us

REC Parenting was created by Ana Aznar and Alejandro Agag. In REC Parenting we come together joining Ana’s passion for parenting and psychology and Alejandro’s passion for creating new projects. Together we are raising four boys. When raising kids, it's more important than ever to find information you can trust. But looking for information online is daunting, confusing, and can take forever! This why we created REC Parenting, we are your one stop for all things parenting. We deliver the information you can trust by the best experts. We have therapists with ample experience working with parents. We have a passion for working with families. Stop googling around. Join our community and we will support you and your family. All the way. 24/7. With no agenda and no judgment.

Dra Ana Aznar

Fundadora y CEO

Ana es psicóloga infantil, conferenciante, investigadora, y autora. Nacida y criada en Madrid, Ana se mudó a Londres cuando tenía poco más de 20 años, donde completó una licenciatura en Psicología (The Open University), un master en Psicología Infantil Aplicada y un doctorado en Psicología Infantil (Universidad de Kingston). Luego ocupó diferentes puestos como profesora e investigadora en la Universidad de Surrey, la Universidad de Winchester, y la Universidad John Cabot. Sus principales áreas de investigación son la crianza de los hijos, las relaciones familiares y el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños. Su trabajo ha sido publicado en diferentes revistas científicas así como en prensa popular y ha presentado en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Como parte de sus actividades de investigación, ha visitado muchísimas escuelas y familias, lo que le ha permitido comprender muy bien los desafíos a los que enfrentan las familias y las escuelas.

A Ana le apasiona apoyar a padres e hijos. Ella cree que al apoyar a los padres, estaremos ayudando a criar niños equilibrados, amables y resilientes, que son el futuro de nuestra sociedad. Por eso, después de experimentar de primera mano cómo los padres tienen dificultades para encontrar apoyo y asesoramiento de calidad cuando tienen problemas o dudas, fundó REC Parenting, una plataforma que ofrece a los padres información fiable, experta y segura. Todo en un solo lugar. Ana está casada y tiene cuatro hijos adolescentes.

Alejandro Agag


Alejandro inició su carrera en la política. Más tarde, centró su atención en el automovilismo y dirigió un exitoso equipo de GP2, principal serie de soporte de la Fórmula 1. Alejandro vio un hueco en el mercado para una nueva forma sostenible de carreras de motor, lo que lo inspiró a construir dos campeonatos eléctricos desde cero: Fórmula E y Extreme E. Ahora está en el proceso de crear E1, un nuevo campeonato de barcos eléctricos.

We hope you enjoy REC Parenting, we are certainly enjoying the challenge of creating and developing it.

Nuestro consejo asesor

Simon is a private equity investor and asset manager with over 20 years international investing and operating experience across a wide range of sectors and business stages.
Lawrence is a multi-award winning TV producer who has made programming, launched channels and sports franchises in over 50 countries.
Chairman Alejandro inició su carrera en la política. Más tarde, centró su atención en el automovilismo y dirigió un exitoso equipo de GP2, principal serie de soporte de la Fórmula 1. Alejandro vio un hueco en el mercado para una nueva forma sostenible de carreras de motor, lo que lo inspiró a construir dos campeonatos […]
Dr Harriet Tenenbaum is a Reader in Psychology at the University of Surrey.

Nuestros expertos

Chartered clinical psychologist Dr Caroline Boyd has over 10 years’ experience working in the NHS and mental health settings, and she supports parents from pregnancy to childbirth and beyond.
Dee Bell is a registered Midwife, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Specialist Tongue-tie Practitioner. She worked within the NHS for over 16 years before leaving to specialise in Infant Feeding and Tongue-tie in private practice.
She qualified from the British Association of Psychotherapists and worked for many years at the University College Hospital (UCH), London, helping children and their families understand and cope with illness, surgery and chronic disease.
Dr Virginia Lam is a social and developmental psychologist focused on examining children’s bilingual development. Virginia is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Roehampton London.
Professor Jo van Herwegen is an Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology at University College London. Her research focuses on improving educational outcomes, especially for students with special educational needs.
Dr Jeanne Shinskey is a Senior Lecturer at Royal Holloway University and Director of the Royal Holloway Baby Lab. She is a developmental psychologist and examines how babies learn.
A leader in Montessori teaching. Fiona is the founder and head of Sheen Montessori Nursery in London since 2010.
Professor Helen Ball is the Director of the Infancy and Sleep Centre at Durham University. She examines infant and parent-child infant sleep and pioneers the translation of academic research on infant sleep.
Dr Ayten Bilgin’s research is in the area of developmental psychopathology particularly focusing on the following topics: early regulatory problems, preterm birth, infant-parent attachment, and parenting.
La Dra. Tara Porter es psicóloga clínica y escritora. Ha trabajado en la sanidad pública del Reino Unido durante 25 años, principalmente en salud mental de niños y adolescentes. Ahora trabaja de forma privada, escribe y habla sobre salud mental.
Dr Sarah Good is a Consultant in Orthodontics at Guy’s and St Thoma’s Hospital and lectures on the London Postgraduate Orthodontic Teaching Programme. She is a member of the British Orthodontic Society. 
I am an Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology at Kingston University London and a chartered Psychologist (CPsychol).
Dr Paula Corcoran is an academic in the Psychology Department at City, University of London.
Dr Bettina Hohnen believes that relationships are at the heart of wellbeing.
Sophie Ricard, MsEd, NT, is a registered child nutritionist helping kids to thrive at school.
Dr Caspar Addyman is a developmental psychologist interested in learning, laughter and behaviour change.
Dr Harriet Tenenbaum is a Reader in Psychology at the University of Surrey.
Dr Lindsay Malloy received her PhD in psychology and social behaviour from the University of California, Irvine.
Paul is Professor of Psychology, Cognition, and Creativity at the University of Winchester and a Visiting Professor at the University of Surrey.
Helen is a Professor Emeritus and Director of the UK Observatory for the Promotion of Non-Violence at the University of Surrey.

Nuestros terapeutas

Nuestra fantástica red de terapeutas está lista para responder cualquier pregunta que pueda tener sobre la crianza de los hijos. Ninguna pregunta es demasiado grande o pequeña. ¡Solo pregunta!
Lorraine es una terapeuta acreditada por MBACP y NCS. Tiene experiencia trabajando con familias y adolescentes, tanto online como presencialmente. Tiene experiencia en el manejo de situaciones de crisis. Ella sabe lo difícil que es elegir al terapeuta adecuado y, por eso, brinda un espacio tranquilo, seguro y sin prejuicios para que sus clientes exploren […]
Lucy is a psychotherapist, art therapist, ecotherapist, photographer and nature lover who lives and works in the High Peak of Derbyshire. Lucy is able to help you navigate all kinds of complex parenting challenges, sensitively and safely.
Wendy is a qualified Counsellor who is BACP registered and Accredited with the NCPS. Wendy is in private practice, but she also has experience of working with families and children who were fleeing domestic abuse, sexual assault and families facing change.
Melanie has an MSc in Counselling and a Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling and is registered with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). She is an integrative counsellor and uses a range of different approaches in her work.
Debra is a registered BACP counsellor. She specialises in women’s issues and trauma. She has worked with drug and alcohol misuse for 7 years. She has experience on issues such as domestic abuse, bullying, low self esteem, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and food issues amongst others.
Beth is a Person Centred Counsellor with 6+ years of qualified experience. She has experience in helping clients with different issues/situations including stress and anxiety, relationship issues, family conflicts, & coping with grief and loss.
Randa Barnes is a person centred counsellor who has been in practice for over twelve years counselling experience in various settings such as children, adults, couples, ethnic minorities, university students, refugees and asylum seekers.
Heleen is an organisational psychologist as well as an experienced parenting counsellor. Heleen worked as a counsellor (face-to-face, virtually and in groups) as well as a telephone crisis counsellor for parents and families.
Rosie is a licensed counsellor for both children and adults in the UK. She has many years of counselling and teaching experience. Rosie has experience in helping people with stress, anxiety, relationship issues, family conflicts, trauma and abuse.
Jo is a MBACP qualified counsellor with 12 years of experience. She has extensive experience working with adults, young people and children on issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicide, addition and learning disabilities.
Kasia is a qualified and BACP accredited integrative counsellor with teaching background. Her teaching qualifications and experience equipped her with a comprehensive knowledge of child development and the learning process.
Claire is a BACP registered and NCS Accredited integrative counsellor. She works with adults, families, couples, children and young people. Claire provides an empathic, genuine, non-judgemental, safe space for her clients to have the freedom to talk and explore their thoughts and feelings.
Kim is a qualified counsellor since 1994. She originally trained at the London School of Counselling and Psychotherapy. She is registered with the BACP and is listed on their approved register. Kim also holds certificates in child care and autism awareness.

Registered in England & Wales. Company No.13460950. Registered office Salatin House, 19 Cedar Road, Sutton, SM2 5DA, United Kingdom

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